2022-2023 Hunting Season in Ohio

September 12, 2022

Details and Dates about the upcoming hunting season

2022-2023 Hunting Season in Ohio

Hunting Season is upon us! Don’t know the details for the 22-23 years? We’ll update you! A hunting season is the only time that it is legal to hunt a specific animal. These seasons are decoded by Wildlife Biologists who study mating seasons for certain animals. This ensures the population is raised to a normal rate before hunting season. There are many regulations that apply to hunting season, so be sure to stay educated on the rules in your area.

The year begins in early fall with Archery hunting, on September 24th. This entails bowhunting for deer using a bow and arrow. This goes on until February 5th and it is the longest of the hunting dates. 

Next is Youth Deer Gun which is on November 19th and November 20th. Anyone who is 17 years of age and younger is able to participate and all the rules of Deer Gun season apply as well.

The next dates are November 28th through December 4th, reopening on December 17th, and December 18th for Deer Gun. Deer Gun season starts the Monday after Thanksgiving and is opened again for two extra days in late December. 

The year ends with Deer muzzleloader. Starting the next year with this, it begins on January 7th and ends on January 10th of 2023.

In the Spring of 2023, there will be Turkey Hunting season, beginning in early April and ending mid-May. This depends on the region of Ohio you are in. 

Happy Hunting!
