What to Know About Backyard Gardening
For a state with very cold winters, Ohio is a great place to start a backyard garden, that can start as early as March and stretch through late November. But knowing how to plant and take care of a garden is much more important than when to start a garden.
What are you wanting to plant? Before you start planning out all you will need for a garden, start thinking about what you want out of your garden and what you want to plant. Some vegetable plants with broccoli and cabbage need an early start and can tolerate lower temperature soil. Whereas vegetable plants like squash, tomatoes, cucumbers, and peppers need a warmer temperature soil. Extra research on soil types for your specific area is also important to check on for your plants. Always check the directions of the pack of any seed packages to double check if there are any extra necessary steps.
Do you know the planting schedule? Everything can differ based on your location and different frosting seasons, but here are some of the main things to know when starting a garden in Ohio. Vegetables like broccoli, cauliflower, cabbage, spinach and more can start getting planted as early as March when the soil is cold, and can even with stand frost weather. Most of the vegetables that are planted that early can be harvested at the start of the warmer summer months. Other vegetables like corn, cucumbers, beans, and tomatoes can be planted at the start of summer when they need warmer soil and then need to be harvested around the end of October before the start of winter hits.
Do you have a plan? Gardens don't always need a lot of consistent upkeep once they are going but starting out they can be tedious with the first seeds and timing everything together. Make sure to have a plan before going and buying too many seeds and set up. Another thing to look into is raised bedding or natural flat bedding. Depending on location, things that can be a problem is flooding, and possible critters. As well as sunlight, and access to a water source like a hose close to the garden bed. If building a raised bed the most important thing you will need a frame that can with stand different climates.
Once you have figured out your basic plan of attack when looking into backyard gardening in central Ohio, you will be ready to indulge in fresh fruits and vegetables at your convenience. If you are looking into homes specifically good for backyard gardening, let United Country Real Estate & Auction Services, LLC know so they can lend a helping hand. If you're interested in learning more, give us a call, (740) 965-1208